How much time do you spend inside? New research1 shows that city dwellers spend 90% of their time indoors, either at home, in the office or in vehicles. All this time spent indoors raises the question of indoor air quality and how that’s affecting our health.
Topics: Wellbeing, toxins, air purification, benefits of indoor plants, air purification, air pollution, plant hire, Indoor Plants
We all love fresh flowers, and it's become customary for reception areas and offices to have a bouquet of cut flowers delivered each week. But this practice is no longer environmentally sustainable, nor is it cost effective. The idea of cutting flowers and keeping them in water until they die doesn't hold the same allure these days...
Topics: plant hire, Indoor Plants, Living Foliage Bowls
How to Make Interiors Look More Lively with Indoor Plants
Ryan McQuerry, director of interior plantscaping business Outside In, uses greenery to create a unique living environment in an Auckland furniture showroom
This showroom lies within a heritage building, and features a solid concrete exterior with a vast open space that needed a focal point. Ryan created a ‘living environment’ in the centre of the showroom; an unconventional and cost-effective solution.
Topics: plant hire, Indoor Plants